Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Party Time Teresa 1994

My dolly plans for this month were disrupted by a sudden disappearance of my dream Ken doll – the mucho macho one with tattoos and hairy chest. Yes, the Harley Davidson Ken II edition. That’s him. Well, I’ll get him some other time, but now, I’m not a very patient person, so instead just one man, three new ladies joined my collection. One would be a glamorous, Holiday Barbie, currently waiting for snowfall. Another one is probably unknown in the US, a mysterious lady with a broken neck. I’ve no idea how I’m going to deal with that because the doll is still on her way. The last one is my new Teresa, the Party Time Teresa 1994.

Party Time Teresa is a lovely doll with a very boring name that doesn’t relate to the doll, not in the least! To cover up the obvious lack of imagination on the part of her creators, the doll came with two watches – one for the doll and one for her owner. I’ve replaced the battery and discovered, to my utter astonishment that the watch actually works! Wow! Anyway, Party Time is obviously a budget series, crated upon request of some market chain, unknown and unindicated on the box, but it’s clear enough that the dolls are pretty basic. That they may be, but they’re gorgeous! Three dolls comprise this series: my lovely Teresa, a blonde Barbie that I want and an African American Barbie that I just need in my collection, and desperately too! And here’s the bad news, she’s hard to get! All three ladies are dressed with simplicity, but their dresses couldn’t get any lovelier and they all got crimped hair.

 the source:

Party Time is a budget line and Mattel didn’t promote it in any way that I know of. Yet my Teresa is so gorgeous. But it there are many striking Teresa dolls that can be found in somewhat more obscure series, like the amazing Jewel Glitter Teresa! Those are the jewels that you find by accident and that was the case of my Party Time Teresa. I was actually flipping through the pictures of Hollywood Hair Teresa when I came across Party Time and I thought to myself: that’s one of the most beautiful Teresa dolls ever! And then I completely forgot about her. So when she just appeared out of nowhere and I had some ready cash, I sure made the deal. The lovely Teresa is a girl of the 90s, so she’s got some huge, expressive eyes, full lips and crimped kanekalon hair in great abundance.

Teresa’s dark hair and complexion were paired with pastels of her pretty dress and accessories. There goes the faux denim again, but I kind of like it, and it’s foam green with white lace trimming and pink bows. Teresa’s earrings are bow-shaped, just like the ones that Perfume Pretty Barbie wore. Teresa’s got a pink watch with a prismatic sticker for a dial. No wonder she’s been  late for the party these 25 years! With a watch such as this it’s hard to be punctual.

Teresa’s got just one blemish – her legs are in a permanent open stance and that’s due to the fact that she was improperly displayed in her box. It’s not a big deal though the imperfection couldn’t be more visible. Well, I’ll put her next to my Paint’n Dazzle Barbies and they’ll be doing a synch dance together. Before they do, I just took all four of my Teresas for a group photo and now it’s clearer than ever that the redhead Jewel Glitter Teresa would fit perfectly. I’ve got to do something about it and soon.  

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