Monday, May 11, 2020

Flower Surprise Fashion #5932 and Fashion Finds #5303

I haven’t had luck with my electronic devices of late. The photos of Sun Sensation Barbie in the sandbox are the last ones I will ever take with my camera, because, to put the long story short, my younger daughter grabbed it to take a few shots of her older sister playing in the sand when I literally ran to the house to put Barbie away. Then my phone has been acting weird, not charging and all, but it’s ancient so that’s to be expected. But that my pendrive should break is like a huge cosmic mystery to me. I mean, how something that uncomplicated can break in the first place? What is there to break anyway? Yet, the pendrive insists there’s no content on it though the properties indicate otherwise. There was a good half of my collection on the pendrive, photographed, catalogued, described and what not. Good I still have the blog. My big regret is that I lost the pictures of today’s fashions before unboxing. Now I have to steal photos from the Internet – and that’s how a series of events deprives a law abiding citizen like me!

My memories of the Flower Surprise Fashion 1990 #5939 are a bit faded but I do remember the day I got it very well. My grandma had a special place where she’d hide the gifts from my “American” family. She’d normally store her bed sheets there put in perfect stacks, but sometimes she’d let me crawl between them to find the goods for myself. She’d laugh to tears and so would Grandpa, although his would be the duty to fold it all up as it was, meticulously. That day the secret hiding place would reveal to me four wonderful things- Cool Looks Barbie, Dress’n Go Mountain Bike and two fashions. One of them I remember being too small for Barbie, perhaps it wasn’t Barbie at all. I haven’t identified it yet and the only clue is the photo from the previous post.

 The source:

The Flower Surprise fashion line consisted of 6 colorful sets and the dolls dressed in them, standing in a row resembled a rainbow. Each of the fashions came with a skirt, a top with a decal, a purse with a holographic sticker and a pair of pumps as well as a manual how to connect the purse with the skirt and turn them into a flower to decorate your clothes or your hair with. Even as a kid I found that idea ridiculous. That would stretch the skirt and it wouldn’t stay on Barbie’s hips! The same things goes for the Magic Style Barbie’s skirt that could double as a scrunchie for a girl’s hair! What a horrible idea! But Barbies wearing my scrunchies as tops and skirts were perfectly fine. I was always short of genuine Barbie’s clothes so I that was an alternative for my dolls.

 the source:

As I could never sew, my creativity geared in another direction. My Granny would sometimes buy sets of lovely, white, beautifully trimmed and embroidered, cotton handkerchiefs. She’d usually purchase 4 or 5 of those and one would always disappear in the most mysterious circumstances. My dolls would turn into Grecian goddesses wearing them. Sometimes I would also borrow my Mom’s ascots as well. Of course, the missing items would return to their rightful owners in due time.

This post is definitely too long for just one fashion, so I’ll show you another one that I recently got. It’s Fashion Finds 1989 #5303 and it’s very simple, basic I’d say. The set consists of a top and a skirt with suspenders. There’s no shoes but I’m not complaining, I would’ve loved to own such a nice fashion as a kid. Fashion Finds line offered a number of cute, simple outfits and they must have been quite popular because they look familiar. I’ve purchased it for my Takara Jenny, but it’s large on her.

My models for today’s fashion show are the Sun Sensation Barbie aka Goldie and the Super Star 1988. Super Star has never changed her wardrobe, her own stock clothes are interesting enough and allow several looks, but she would’ve worn the fashion back then so it was very nice to relive some of my memories. Funny how a simple object as that can change into a time capsule. I see, almost hear my Grandma and Grandpa laughing merrily whenever I look at it. Grandma, Grandpa, I miss you.

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