Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Angel Face Barbie 1982

I try to avoid unplanned purchases, though I’m always very happy with unexpected arrivals. But these only divert me from my wish list which is already vast and extensive. So I’ve decided to organize it and divided the dolls I’d love to have into three categories:

  1. Possible
  2. That might be difficult
  3. Don’t be ridiculous, you’d have to go starving
And to my astonishment one of the “that might be difficult” dolls that I’d been salivating over for months was put out for sale by one of my regular vendors. I didn’t hesitate a second because the doll is none other but the Angel Face Barbie 1982 herself! Angel was in a very good condition and still wearing her stock outfit and her ring which is very rare for dolls this old. I could bid for her, but I preferred not to risk losing so I snatched her before someone else did.

My Angel Face was manufactured in the Philippines but I don’t know if she was produced by other sites, however her facepaint bears all the characteristics of the gentle Philippine brush that but caressed my beloved headmold. The doll looks half-conscious actually, her eyes are simple blue with navy blue pupils and same color eyeliner with two little eye lashes. The grey-green smoky eye shadow adds to the dreamy look. Angel is visibly blushing so we may speculate what she’s day dreaming of or perhaps she’s like my Hime with her tendency for late evening booze… oh well. There’s but one blemish to her face and that’s her raspberry lipstick that oozed to her lip corners and a bit to her teeth but I can forgive her that, she’s really older than myself! Her complexion is very fair, just like with my Standard E/C Barbie.

Angel’s facepaint makes her immediately recognizable, but so does her hair which is absolutely unique. The beautiful, shiny and silky saran is two toned – blonde and chocolate waves are let loose and I could attempt at styling the hair to the near factory condition but I actually like it best the way it is. As always, when I await a doll’s arrival I admire her photos online and try to read every piece of information available. Some other collector mentioned purchasing the doll with a different hairstyle – the hair was still two toned but it was also curled tight. The doll didn’t have a side part and her hair was brushed back exposing a large forehead, not very becoming.

Angel’s dress is a masterpiece! It’s a sort of plain Victorian style that brings Anne from Green Gables to my mind. The top is made of beautiful lace with puffy sleeves and the pink ribbon on the wrists and the front part. There’s a Camea “broach” on her neck part that’s actually a piece of fabric and it’s quite fragile, used dolls most often come without it so I’m very happy mine hasn’t lost it as it goes very well with the overall style. The dress has a black velvet “belt” at the waist and it closes with two metal snaps. The bottom part is a very simple and slightly shiny pink polyester. I have no idea why it’s pink, the dress would look far more romantic in blue or pale green, but pink has its charm too.

As to her accessories, the doll still has her clear plastic ring with a rhinestone – my favorite Barbie jewelry type. She never had any earrings though. She no longer has her shoes, the simple open toes that would snap and get lost, but I had a pair of Day to Night pumps that go nice with the dress, so Angel will be wearing them until their rightful owner is purchased and that may take a while. Angel Face also came with a headband, a set of dolly sized hair accessories – a brush, a comb and some clips as well as a brush and a comb for the owner, all lost now. The most interesting of her accessories was a beauty compact in a form of a purse that I’d love to have, because it’s very charming. It contained a “mirror” as well as two eye shadows and a blush plus an applicator for you to use on the doll to make her even more beautiful as the below commercial informs. I hate those things that destroy a doll! Why?! The same goes for Paint’n Dazzle Barbie and those horrible fabric paints that damage her amazing outfit. Anyway, apparently Angel Face was a collaboration with the Pond’s cosmetic brand that had a beauty line called Angel Face, but that’s not confirmed.

Angel face is gorgeous, so gentle and ethereal, just like Sweet Roses PJ and I’m very happy I managed to add her to my collection. A little bonus below – my superstar classics, for now because I plan to extend the set by several dolls, but they all belong to the “that might be difficult” and “Don’t be ridiculous” categories so it may not be soon. For now I’m so pleased with the four ladies – Angel Face ’82, Crystal Barbie ’83, Peaches’n Cram ’84 and Magic Moves ’85 (production dates). They all look beautiful, but I think that Magic Moves is still my favorite. My dolls are finally displayed in a temporary cabinet that I dragged from the old apartment, but unfortunately I don’t have enough stands so there’s more still cramped in plastic boxes. Enjoy! 

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