Thursday, March 7, 2019

Pet Doctor Barbie 1996

Pet Doctor Barbrie 1996 joined my collection quite unexpectedly actually. On that day I was searching for a completely different doll when I found some 80s and 90s Barbies available for a laughable amount of money. Amongst the group there was one particular doll that caught my eye, and it wasn’t Pet Doctor, but I guess, I couldn’t just leave a doll with beautiful saran hair so neglected and unwanted, so she hopped in the package.

As it often happens with my rescued dolls, I couldn’t identify her before she actually arrived, but to me purchasing a mystery doll and not knowing exactly what you’re going to end up with makes it so much more fun. Imagine my surprise when she turned out to be Pet Doctor Barbie whose stock outfit I already had in my possession. As one can see in the commercial from the 90s, Barbie was well accessorized to fulfil her duty as a veterinarian, none of it remained of course. Her accessories included a doctor’s bag, some instruments, snacks for the pets, bowls, a cat and a dog and a basket for the pets to sleep in, the basket would make some noises when you pressed the button. As to Barbie, she was also available in the brunette and AA versions.

Of course the simple white shirt and leggings were too simple for a sophisticated doll I was planning to turn her into, so she got another outfit – the Dinner Date Fashions 1990. It consists of a pink mermaid dress with silvery accents and a lovely tulle bottom, silver Lame gloves with tiny black ribbon bows and simple, classic pink pumps. The outfit is beautifully color coordinated and I added a simple necklace that matches it perfectly.

When Pet Doctor arrived, she was a standard case to be rescued – dirty and tangled, her dress all stained and dusty. Her beautiful saran hair received the boiling water/ steaming treatment obediently, only to come quite undone the next day. I guess I steamed it too short and I forgot to use cold water afterwards to make the efect stay longer. No matter, she still looks pretty and closer to her original hairstyle and I’m still learning.

Her hair may not be quite perfect, but her facepaint is gorgeous. Her make-up is simple and natural and its most noticeable part is the black, thick eyeliner. They eye shadows over the eyeliner are two shades of beige and it seems Barbie used mascara only on the upper lashes, the lower ones are still brown. Of course Mattel wouldn’t abandon their proclivity for heterohromia and this time it’s a curious case of striking blue irises circled brown. Barbie’s lipstick is a very light shade of pink.

When purchasing Pet Doctor I wasn’t really sure I should buy her, I focused on Blossom Beauty and Pet Doctor was only an addition making up for the shipping costs, but she turned out to be my most favorite rescued doll. It seems to me sometimes a purchase without a total conviction can turn out to be very successful.

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