Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Evening Majesty Barbie 1996 JCPenney Special Edition

Behold! Presenting you... Her Majesty - like literally - 1996 Evening Majesty Barbie! She's a doll that hasn’t been given enough attention in my opinion. It's hard to say why, perhaps it's her eyes that seem to be a bit small, typical for a Barbie released in the second half of the 90s Or maybe it's the dress? Whatever that is, I do adore the doll. To me she's the embodiment of grace and elegance.

A bit of an introduction's in order now. So, she was released in 1996 as one of the JCPenney special edition Barbie dolls. She comes with a Superstar facemold, a TNT body and straight PTS arms. Her head, however, has a strangely limited articulation, or perhaps mine's faulty? The doll just won't look up as much as the other Superstar ladies I know.

She's the second doll I've bought for myself and although she was so inexpensive, she's shipshape! She looks as if she’s just been taken out of her box! Her platinum blonde hair is thick, silky and wavy, almost curly, a proof of a very limited acquaintance with a brush. She's got some bangs, but not over the top and a portion of her hair's been braided and tied with a black ribbon.

Her facepaint is very subtle, she's got some lavender eyeshadow and some minimal blush on her cheeks. Her makeup is balanced by her magenta lipstick adding color to her otherwise very placid face. Her purple eyes with some tiny golden specks give her a truly serene expression.

Her jewelry's complete - she comes with her dangling earrings, a matching necklace and a golden ring. Unfortunately, she's missing her shoes, so I've found her some replacement. Neither does she have her fake fur muff anymore. Her dress, however, is spectacular. It's a combination of a golden top trimmed with faux fur at the neckline and the sleeves and the lavender of the bottom part of the dress with a golden opening and a black and gold pattern all over the lavender part. The dress is a one-piece Velcroed at the back. There's no underskirt or perhaps this part is missing as well.

I really bought her for a laughable amount of money and there's no correlation between the doll's condition and her price. Lucky me! She's a perfect example that doll collecting doesn't necessarily have to be expensive and is merely a matter of choice and patience.

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