Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Purple Passion Barbie 1995 Toys'r'us Special Edition

Mattel is notorious for being inconsistent and changing their mind frequently. They’ve created Barbie, Teresa and Midge, each bearing particular hair and facial features, only to release a brunette or a redheaded Barbie (and I’m not talking about Dolls of the World as they are a separate category where everything goes as long as it’s consistent with the region it presents). This initially caused my discontent. After all, for me Barbie has always been and should remain a blonde, but I’ve changed my mind too. It seems me and Mattel have something in common.

The Superstar headmold looks great as a brunette or a redhead and Mattel has proven this repeatedly, one of my favorite examples being the Paint’n’Dazzle series dated 1993. In my own collection there is the gorgeous Happy Holidays 1997 the brunette, who for me is so much prettier than the blonde, but this post is not about her.

The Purple Passion Barbie would be just another doll wearing a dress of prodigious dimensions like so many others, only … she’s a redhead and thus so unique. She and her red locks have messed up my wish list to the point I decided to hunt for her. But she’s a rare doll and her price was beyond my budget set for a Barbie of this kind. But with patience and persistence everything is possible. There she was in a MNB condition (Mint No Box) at a very reasonable price which later dropped even more. I didn’t think too long before I made the purchase.

She arrived, her hair frizzy but evidently never brushed, I decided not to change that and I tamed it only by stroking it ever so gently. The hair is so lovely, the rich and warm shade of red makes Barbie really stand out. The hair is styled with simplicity, just a part pony tail and curled ends. Her eyes are purple and blue, Mattel had a thing for heterochromy back then. The doll’s makeup is simple too, just a pale purple eye shadow and a matte lipstick.

The doll’s outfit is complete, everything simplicity and style. The dress is a combination of silky satin and tulle finished with just a touch of brocade. Barbie’s headpiece is also made of the same fabric and her pumps are transparent and purple, though they look blue in the picture. It’s also hardly visible but they’re sprinkled with brocade as well. I’m so happy they didn’t get lost as often happens with second hand dolls. Barbie wouldn’t be Barbie without her jewelry – a heavy necklace, a ring and a pair of earrings, everything color and style coordinated.

The doll is perfect, she’s definitely one of my favorites and something tells me that soon another redhead is going to join her, one that has haunted me for quite a while.

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