Monday, March 11, 2019

Moving houses

Today’s entry is going to be a bit shorter than my standard ones. I’m currently packing all my belongings as well as my daughters’ and husband’s. That’s lots and lots of boxes to be filled. Me and my family are moving to a new house and so are the dolls, naturally! I didn’t plan to write this entry, but as I took them out to pack them, the ladies and my two gentlemen still on their stands with their boxes piling behind them, I couldn’t just help myself, I had to take some pictures!

So here they are, without any particular order just standing on my coffee table all smiling and lovely! Soon I hope to get them an appropriate accommodation in a form of a glass cabinet so they don’t get dusty. At the moment, they’re all craped occupying two shelves in my closet, that is usually closed of course, but from time to time, I just slide the door open to admire them. Aren’t they lovely? They sure deserve to be displayed properly.

Moving houses is a good opportunity to sort stuff that accumulates over the years and to get rid of those that take up much of one’s living space just because they may come in handy at some point in the future. This also applies to some old boxes I haven’t opened in the last 5 years. And in one of those, I found a very old photograph. I guess it was taken in 1992 as the dolls that are in it would indicate.

The photo shows some gifts that my US family sent me once. They had that weird thing about taking pictures of the stuff they bought for me just before packing and sending them. Odd, but at least I have that one souvenir, a past promise of some very happy moments when I’d get my new dolls and all the accessories for them. I got such a parcel twice a year tops, but I always waited for it, longing… My family would always inform me of the parcel progress – first that they were going to go shopping, then when they bought everything – never revealing any particulars, and then they would tell me they sent the box filled with goods- “and oh, there’s a doll inside you know”. Cruel? Nice? I don’t know.

I wasn’t a demanding child, when they asked me “what kind of Barbie would you like to get?” I’d answer “any Barbie would do, perhaps the one with bent arms would be great, but straight ones are fine too” – easy to please? Then I’d probably add “and oh, some clothes for the doll would be nice too”. I always asked them not to buy me a fake Barbie, I’d recognize it immediately, but in the US they didn’t know any fake Barbies, Barbie was Barbie, always genuine.

The photo shows two of 4 Barbies I owned as a little girl – the insanely tanned Sun Sensation Barbie 1991, the gorgeous neon queen Cool Looks Barbie 1990 (one of my favorites, I hope to get her sometime in the nearest future perhaps). On the left there’s a mountain bike set with sports clothes (I would never forget that funny one-piece outfit) and on the right there are two fashion packs. Of course, I remember the dolls, the bike and all that came with it, but somehow, I can’t recall the fashions. I’ve identified one as Flower Surprise Fashion 1990, but the other one is a mystery.

Oh well, it was supposed to be a short entry… and a short break! Now back to boxes and packing, the happy gang needs to be secured with wires and tapes – those few that have their own boxes, the rest will get replacements. Shoes must be taken off and packed diligently not to get lost. I’m happy to observe that all ow my dolls do have shoes, most of the ladies have their stands, and only my Skipper dolls are still missing them. Now, there is still no Internet connection in our dreamhouse so I won’t be posting for some time now, but I’ll be back!

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